More and more people are leaving the potential of the negative influences that come from toxic environments: from family members to mere friends in order to secure their PURPOSE. Some have left cities and towns looking for their sweet spot to just start afresh. I’m seeing this in Naples, FL first hand.
Two Thursdays ago we covered how God told Abraham, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). The result was that he became great and the pioneer of what it means to walk by faith. His purpose and destiny entailed becoming the FATHER of Faith and was an honored granted for his obedience alone. He had to act in hope against hope (not knowing where he was going) in order to walk by faith and not by sight.
Joseph was another example of one who had to first leave a toxic environment, which included his own family, before he could become what was essentially the prime minister of Egypt. He went from being persecuted (from his family), to being thrown into a pit, then into prison. But throughout his story we continuously read, “The Lord was with him” and “granted him favor” (Genesis 39: 2,4). All of this was his personal preparation for his PURPOSE.
Both had one thing in common. They had grace to go! God told Abraham to “leave” (Genesis 12:1) and of Joseph we constantly read, “ The Lord was with him and extended kindness to him, granting him favor” (Genesis 39:21). God telling you to GO or granting you favor as you GO is all the grace you need succeed!
One must depend on this amazing endowment from above called grace in order to go, then grow, and eventually globetrot. Don’t just go, but get grace to go! In order to hear God one must blockout some unauthorized voices and pull away from certain negative influences. Only then can we operate under this special grace that will enable us to follow our God-given purpose and globetrot. Go into all the world, grow into your full self, and globetrot not just by taking part, but by taking over!
See you on Thursday!