Declaring Independence of Other People’s Expectations is key if one is going to walk in their full Authroity. The potential for negative influences from family members and/or familiars in regard to VISION is probably the reason why most World Changers are intuitively led to leave certain well-acquainted environments.
The Lord told Abraham, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). The result was that he became a Father of Nations. His purpose and destination was huge though the journey wasn’t fully revealed. He had to act in hope against hope. He walked by faith, not sight.
Joseph was another example of a world-changer who had to first leave his own family before he could become what was essentially a prime minister of Egypt. The challenge is that when you begin to step outside what others expect you to be, they begin to see you as a problem. One must still go, in order to grow, and then globetrot. Sometimes, we need to pull away from the influence of even those we love if we are going to follow our God-given visions.
People will limit you when they want you to be what they want you to be, not what you were born to be. Voluntarily get into your incubator of Self Discovery to become your best version of your self and not yield to other people’s expectations. See you on Thursday!